Apitherapy – Hive Resonance Chamber
Apitherapy has been documented in use for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Mayan culture were some of the first to practice apitherapy.
Apitherapy is a therapy that uses beehives and beehive products including honey, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom to strengthen the human immune system, and overall health.
While we sell several natural honeybee products on-site, we also offer beehive aerosol and frequency experiences in our unique Buzzz Bedzzz (at a satellite location).
Buzzz Bedzzz offer an opportunity for you to become one with the hive. Immerse yourself in the sounds, aroma and if you’re lucky, you may even catch sight of the queen, workers, and drones as you enter our cozy Hive Resonance Chamber that allows you to rest in extreme proximity to a series of active colonies. The frequencies that bees emit resonate with organic tissues to promote healing and have an overall calming effect on the body and mind.
Beehive aerosol experiences involve the inhalation of the etheric smells of bees. Beehive air inhalation has proven to be very effective against respiratory illnesses and immune disorders, such as allergies, susceptibility to infections and chronic sinusitis!
Specific Benefits:
- Spending a few hours in an apiary inhaling the aerosol (air filled with etheric smells of bees)
- Positive Energy
- Immune Boosting
- Calming Effect
- Known to be helpful to those with PTSD. Hive Resonance Chamber
- Known to be helpful to those with anxiety.

If you are looking for more information on options for Hive Resonance Chamber, please contact Honeybee Harmonix via [email protected]